Friday, 8 December 2017

Sports Hall Athletics success!

Well done to all our team of athletes, who gave every effort for their team, with a stunning result- first in the Year 5 and 6 competition for Diss Cluster! Congratulations also go to our good sportsmanship winner, Daniel.

Friday, 1 December 2017

The Blitz- an Art project

As part of our topic on World War 2, we have looked at art work from the time of the Blitz and how the artists or photographers use shape, line, pattern, colour and texture to make an impact on the viewer.

 Then we recreated some of the artwork, using watercolours...

...before making up our own, simpler design, using some ideas from the art we had seen. It needed to be simpler, to enable us to created it from fabric...

Here are some photos of the beginning of the fabric collage process...finished pieces later...

They are looking dramatic, which was part of the purpose and the stitching practice will be useful for a DT project later in the year. 

We will blog some of the finished pieces when they are done.