Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Kentwell - Tudor experience

Kestrel class visited Kentwell Hall as part of our 'Terrible Tudors' topic.  Kentwell Tudor re-creations are living re- enactments, where people dress, speak and live as Tudors  for  several days. The Michaelmas re-creation celebrates the feast of St Michael and All Angels  and marked the beginning and the end husbandman's (free tenant farmer or small landowner) year; hopefully, the celebration of a good harvest too!  It was the year 1593 and Elizabeth 1st was queen.  The owner  of Kentwell in 1593 was Thomas Clopton. 
Kestrel class saw and took part in typical activities that may happen at this time of the year. 

On the front lawn, in front of Kentwell Hall ,just after we had passed through the entrance assuring the gate - keepers that we were plague-free! 

Tudor dancing accompanied by some low players-just look at their instruments-playing a drum and some bagpipes !

Next we visited the victualers (cooks for the workers at Kentwell) who were preparing potage with roots and worts.  (Ask your child if they can remember what these were)

Mr King in fine attire - he was asked many a time what a fine gentleman was doing with us peasants !

The house at Kentwell  from the front .  We crossed the moat and entered the house by the Tower door and entered the Great kitchen. The cooks were preparing a meal for the Cloptons and their visitors; fig tarts, baked apples and meat pies were  being made.

Chivvied along by the housekeeper, we were led to the Panelled room where we met a privateer  and the Herald. The Herald talked to the us about  the Clopton coat of arms.

The privateer was hoping some of our party may wish to join him in circumnavigating the globe!

The Great Hall

The scriveners were writing menus and prayers for the household. They used quills,ink and parchment paper.

These members of the gentry are friends of the Cloptons, they entertained with some singing in French; standing   next to them is a page. 

The dairy.

Cheese is being made by straining it through muslin.

The dairy maids would milk the cows and bring the milk back to the dairy using this yoke being modelled by Katie.

The Bakehouse oven - the wall at the side was so warm.

The alchemist  showed us some pickled animals and some chemical reactions turning different water a different colour

Above the brew house was the stillroom in which potions and medicines were made out of herbs for all the residents of the estate.

Adjacent to the still room was the sewing room where the needlewomen made clothes for workers at Kentwell. 
View of the house from the  bridge

Camera Obscura  in the background . 

Finding herbal remedies for our maladies and afflictions : anybody for Rosemary - it aids memory !

A hurdy gurdy  in the walled garden 

The Butts 
The archers demonstrated their skills and how they were used against the Spanish.

Inside the woolshed we watched the wool workers make fleece into yarn.

A yeoman cottage  was situated just along from the woolshed. The family were eating their lunch of potage .

Using branches and trunks from  nearby trees the woodworkers were making chair legs , rolling pins and spindles.

The Potters. 

The kiln 

Making earthenware  for use at Kentwell.

A great view of Kentwell and of the fine looking Tudor Kestrel class.

Wearily, we left the Tudor Michaelmas behind ,had our lunch  (non- tudor) and returned to school . 

An excellent trip with excellent behaviour from all the class!
Look out for some of our recounts of the trip in the school newsletter.

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